Saturday, March 22, 2014


Here it is the end of March, with 38 days of school left in our first year as a 1:1 school.  I spent some time today reflecting on our journey and the ups and downs of it all.  When I think back to last summer and how scared some of our teachers were about this year, I have to smile. I think it has exceeded all of our expectations with how well it has gone.  I am very lucky to work with a majority of positive teachers who are open to trying new things and have a motto of "Just keep Swimming".  In August our math department was freaking out about making sure their textbooks could be put on each student's computer; now they haven't used a textbook since the end of first quarter.  Teachers were having trouble with using Blackboard; we have now switched to Schoology as our LMS and life is much easier!  If you had told me in August that our geography department would be teaching a zombie unit, several departments would be using the green screen to film videos, we would be flipping science lessons, Skyping with best selling authors in a voluntary book club, organizing a teacher technology leadership academy, and planning a "Teach Like a Pirate Day" in May;  I wouldn't have believed you!  I feel beyond blessed to work with such great teachers!  I also don't think it could have happened without the 100% support of our principal.  When Valerie (the other tech facilitator- who I couldn't live without!) and I pitch things to him, he openly listens to us and enthusiastically gets on board with anything he thinks will benefit his school in a positive way.  We are blessed with his leadership and our superintendent's leadership as well- he is the one who had the 1:1 vision.
Are we perfect? No.  Do we fail? Yes!  Do we learn from it? Absolutely! 
I have so enjoyed my first year in this new role.  It has been challenging at times and I've had to learn to not take things personally, because dealing with adults is so much harder than dealing with kids- but I wouldn't trade it for the world. The positives far outweigh the occasional hurt feelings or anger.  I have gained a lifelong friend and colleague in Valerie, I have decided I have a love of curriculum and have even started a new graduate degree with that in mind and I have renewed energy in my career.  I can't wait to see what next year holds!